Welcome to the new home of Rachel, Anomaly, Devnill, Adrian, and nckomodo! We have a fine assortment of electronics, and at least one computer per room. We do live internet radio to talk about beer and fish. We're also located in London.
242 West End Lane was a classic 'wet fish shop' for most of the 1900s. A sudden desire to strip back decades of paint to reveal the gorgeous 1930s Art Deco wall tiles was the original spark for this project.
Now in our 7th year, The Wet Fish remains a very busy place, a privilege for which we pinch ourselves daily.
The project's been a magnet for talented chefs and floor staff. Our approach remains: to hire, train and nurture the best talent we can find, and to listen to feedback from you, our valued customers.
Our goal is to create a future London classic, here in the heart of West Hampstead. What a thrill transforming a rundown space into a venue with soul and character – designed around some beautiful tiles that remind us of our neighbourhood's rich local history.
A big thank you goes out to you, our customers, and to those Art Deco wall tiles that continue to inspire...