
Cassie is a lady from Clifton Park. She loves the lesbian scissoring. Cassie also likes putting a TINY AMOUNT of root beer in a glass of ice, which she calls 'flavoured ice'. She also enjoys whinining, girls, the disney channel, youtube, and irish breakfast tea.

   ~Cassie screaming about herself.

She comes over to Rachel's House a lot, and always brings a bunch of snacks, soda, and drugs. It's highly illegal. From time to time she drags people over like chrisxjones518. Adrian wishes he was a little girl so Cassie would like him. :<

Cassie likes to lick scene girls!

Cassie gets mad when you eat her french fries and she makes you sit in cramped positions in her car. She has the tendency to do the muscle man fist when she's singing and do the superman stance when she's waiting for someone to come to the door. I'm convinced she's just a man all around.

Tags: People | Girls | Albany | IRL