This guy knows what's up

sv3rige is some guy that used to be a big runescape player or something and then he realized that videogames are just a trick the elite uses to control people so they don't learn about leveling up in nature. After coming to this realization he decided to quit playing games, avoids technology, and only eats raw meat. Also the earth is flat.

"Human longevity is at an all time low"

3m 50s he says... "They are telling us that the world population increased by 5 billion in the last not even 100 years, OUT OF NOWHERE. This is completely impossible."

5m5s ... "Our infertility rates at an all time high because of the PLANT BASED DIETS that the GOVERNMENT wants you to eat. Homosexuality is also much more widespread"

Tags: People | What | Crazy | Flat Earth | Umm