So you want to be a Wetfish News Reporter? The allure of FishBux too good to pass up? You might be tempted to start editing that news page right now, but wait! Before you do anything too rash, please refer to these guidelines to ensure your edits don't go to waste.
1. What is Wetfish News?
Wetfish News is a place for the Wetfish Community to come together and share stories that are uniquely wetfish. The news is updated every day and showcases things that we think everyone needs to know.
2. What is 'uniquely wetfish'?
First and foremost, news posts should be Wetfish related. New features added to a Wetfish project? News post! A surge of new members on IRC? News post! Want to have a party and invite Wetfish members from your local area? News post!
However we understand that there might not be anything that fits this criteria happening every day. On a slow day, it would be acceptable to write about other news happening in the world, so long as it's relevant to internet culture. New consumer hardware that facilitates distributed networking? News post! Leaked sex tape featuring Edward Snowden? News post!
3. Is my project a 'wetfish project'?
Are you a member of Wetfish and expect other members of Wetfish to use your project? Then yes, it's a Wetfish project! Even if what you're doing isn't a part of the Official Wetfish GitHub, or even if your project has nothing to do with code, so long as you're working on something, we'd love to hear about it.
4. What isn't considered news?
Drama or events from your personal life would almost never be considered Official Wetfish News. At best, that sort of content belongs on the drama page, or maybe you should keep it to your own personal blog.
5. When do I get my FishBux?
Every day, each person who makes a post to the Wetfish News page which meets these guidelines will be awarded 100 fishbux. At the moment this is done manually by Rachel, but in the future this system will be expanded to allow you to claim your rewards automatically.