M4ndalore (Planet)


I.S.U.N: M4ndalore
I.S.I.D: M4ndalorians
Capital: M4ndalore
Language: M4ndalorian
Affiliation: Intergalactic Senate

M4ndalore is a world located in the M4ndalore System of the M4ndalore arm of the galaxy, M4ndalore.

It was originally settled by a group of humans who in 2570 fled Earth and the Future Butts, making planetfall aboard the colonization ship M4ndalore.

Senate Activity
The Galactic Senate was founded on the planet M4ndalore. The Apex Seat of the senate was then constructed in the city of M4ndalore, where it remained for the next 800 M4ndalore rotations.

Once established, the M4ndalorian delegate then petitioned the senate to change the I.S.U.N and I.S.I.D. of Earth to Buttface, referencing the the Future Butt occupation. This motion passed unanimously, as did every motion for the 439 M4ndalore rotations.

The most notable feature of M4ndalore is that the planet is marked as Quarantined by the Intersystem Federation, as the entire population has been infected with the M4ndalore virus.

This contamination is, in fact, the reason that they were allowed to escape from Earth.

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