
A former roommate of mine was an engineer very much on the asperger spectrum. He had such a terrible time dating women he decided, to try and turn himself gay, so he could date men, who he generally enjoyed being around more than woman.

He researched a number of things and decided that for 60 days, he would masterbate to nothing but gay porn. He put up posters of men on his walls. He apparently bought a realistic dildo and attempted to use it on himself. He slept with the porn on loud enough to hear it in case it soaked into his brain and made him gay.

In the end he concluded that he was straight, was not attracted to men, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Google is gay.
Gay people at a baseball game

People are gay.
Cats are gay.
Rainbows are gay.
Cookies are gay.
Are you?

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