and that’s the gospel truth

listen as a former christian i have all the cheat codes for you man if some bible-wielding bigot wants to give you trouble just remember these

God pretty much invalidates the gender binary with Galatians 3:28: “there is neither male nor female”

1 Corinthians Chapter 7 is literally just talking about how God favors asexuals bc they’re more like him (and like, if you absolutely have to have sex, make sure it’s consensual)

In Matthew 19:12, Jesus (albeit vaguely) talks about accepting trans people

Jesus speaks out again ableism literally every five seconds pick up a Bible and flip to somewhere in the new testament and I promise you there will be something about it.

Also Jesus dying on the cross overrides all the rules established in Leviticus, which is pretty much the only instance of anti-lgbt sentiment in the whole book

even like leviticus, a lot of people translate that whole “man lies with another man” as actually something closer to “do not lie with another man IN THE BED OF A WOMAN,” which is less anti-lgbt and more anti-being-a-fucking-dick

In Matthew 19:11-12, Jesus says that not all men are are made to marry women. Some men are uninterested in women from birth, some are made uninterested by other men, and some men become uninterested by their own vows to church. Then Jesus urges acceptance.

Tags: tumblr tales | the bible | wall of text | christianity | social awareness | sexuality | gender | religion