
Both the constitution and standards sections may change soon to allow for more diversity and additional security within games.

The following is the constitution for the Omnilogical Games. Breaking these rules may result in being kicked from the group or arrested, depending on the severity of the situation and the mercy of your Gamemaker.

  1. No physical or otherwise unlawful damage may done to the person or property of anyone, unless the person being damaged has signed a contract allowing you do so
  2. The player should recieve no consequences outside of the Games for not starting a new game.
  3. The player should know what the consequenses outside of the game may be before the game starts.
  4. Players should be able to leave the game at any time with no consequences outside the Games besides those that they had knowingly laid upon themselves.
  5. Games may determine the outcome of other games.
  6. Once a victor is declared for a game by the referee, the victor cannot be changed.
  7. Bribing the referee is illegal except when specified otherwise by the game's rules.
  8. Being caught cheating during a game by a referee will disqualify the player from the game which they cheated in immediately.
  9. All of a game's rules must be determined before the game begins.
  10. Short of the laws which the Games take place in, this constitution has final say in all matters, followed by the current game's rules, and then by the referee. Outside of these rules, players may do as they like.
Have fun!


Not required, but highly encouraged. Here are some standards to follow to help the Games run more smoothly.
Standards include:

Player sheet...

Players are required to sign a player sheet to join a game.

Consists of:
  • Game ID: Something on the sheet which has "Game ID:" to the left of it. All sheets relating to an individual instance of a game should have the same ID on them. Keeps people from signing up for the wrong instance of the same game.
  • Synopsis: Intended to be a short overview of the game, but can be whatever you want. Truth, lies, an unexpected dickbutt, doesn't matter.
  • Consequences/Allows: States what consequences outside the game may occour resulting from gameplay, what consequences are allowed to be created, and if certain conditions are required to allow the consequences
  • Setup: A detail on how the game should be initialized, and what is required.
  • Rules:
      Goal: Definition of the conditions which declair the player victor.
      Rules: A list of rules the player is required to follow. Failing to do so may make them lose the game.
      Conditions (Variable rules): Rules which only apply under certain conditions. Similar to the "then" part of an "if...then" statement.
      Definitions: Rigorous descriptions of what certain actions are defined as. Useful for clearing up confusion.

Referee's notes...

A compilation of all the information on all player sheets for a singe game instance, along with the following:
  • Referee rules:
      Rules: A list of the rules the referee is required to follow for the game to function properly.
      Conditions: Rules which only apply under certain conditions. Similar to the "then" part of an "if...then" statement.
  • Clairvoyances: A list of some events possible to happen without breaking the rules. Used to clear up confusion. May include explanations.


Player Sheet: Tells you all the rules of the game, and all the possible consequences outside of the game.

Referee Notes: A full detail about the game, includes the rules, possible exterior consequences, setup, instructions for the referee during gameplay, and clairvoyances (possible valid occourences)

Referee: Person who has final say in a particular game. They may participate in a game, but they may not win the game they are participating in.

Gamemaker: Person who designs the games, also likely to be the overseer of the guild. Can be a referee or a player as well, just not in the same game.

(?)Guild: Any group of people who frequently play the Games together. Requires at least three people, one functioning as referee and gamemaker. Might also function as an individual team in a larger game.


Tags: Technology | Games | Wow | Omnigames