Omnigames games can often turn into a form of Calvinball if you're not careful. All it takes is a loss of clear game direction.

Calvinball is a game invented by Calvin and Hobbes. There is only one rule: That no two games are alike. The game may involve wickets, mallets, volleyballs, and additional sports-related equipment. Because there are (almost) no rules in Calvinball, you can do (almost) anything you want to!

Calvin created the game when he first became tired of organized sports. Although the first depicted game of Calvinball followed Calvin's failure to join the baseball team, the game appears in such a complete form there that it is likely that Calvin and Hobbes had been playing the game for a long time beforehand.

The only hint at the true creation of the game comes from the last Calvinball strip, in which a game of football quickly changes into a game of Calvinball. Calvin remarks, "Sooner or later, all [Omnigames] games turn into Calvinball," suggesting that a similar scenario led directly to the creation of the sport.


"No sport is less organized than Calvinball."
  • Hobbes

"Sooner or later, all our games turn into Calvinball."
  • Calvin

"The only permanent rule in Calvinball is that you can never play it the same way twice!"
  • Calvin

"The score is oogy to boogy!"
  • Hobbes

"The score is still Q to 12!"
  • Hobbes