The Cummunist Manifesto!

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of fap struggles!

Let the ruling classes tremble at a Cummunistic revolution. The broletarians have nothing to lose but their jizz. They have a world to win.

In short, the Cummunists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing sexual and gender order of things.

The need of a constantly expanding jizz market for its products chases the furgeoisie over the whole surface of the globe. It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connections everywhere.

Under fapitalism, man jizzes on man, under cummunism, it's the other way around.

The ends justify the memes!

<gris> the problem with socialist sex partners in canada is that sometimes you have to wait months to even get treatment
<Mozai> So free-market sex partners are better because some people don't have to wait, and others never get a piece of ass at all?
<gris> basically
<Mozai> Maybe the real problem is the scarcity of ass.
<gris> theres a scarcity of -prime- ass but not ass as a whole
<luke> there's too much ass for some people and not enough for others

Tim Curry knows what's up

Tags: sex | cum based economy | fap | cum