Pretty much basically like the best show ever. Steven Universe is about a kid with several moms who is half human and half crystal gem in a way that has yet to be explained. He's mostly useless and accidentally helpful and adorable and if you haven't seen this show yet, you're a waste of space and should go fall in a fire. Or go watch it.

Garnet, Amethyst, Steven and Pearl
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Greg Universe and Rose Quartz, Steven's parents and possible moment of Steven's conception
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so sexy
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forever a twerk
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My life
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"Who wants to watch a cartoon about people crying??"

I decided to see how many times the characters cried throughout Season 1. I started the day after Jailbreak aired, and only finished today (7/8/2015). Reformed was pretty convenient because it gave me a good caption!
The answer I found was pretty high. The final count includes (almost, because there’s plenty of room for error) every single moment a character cried, along with a few extra gifs from some scenes to make the count divisible by 9. Either way, the final count was 90, and on average, that’s 1.7 times per episode over 52 episodes.
Episodes with NO crying (excluding ‘fictional’ characters): Cheeseburger Backpack, Together Breakfast, Serious Steven, Steven’s Lion, Onion Trade, Lion 2, Beach Party, Fusion Cuisine, Garnet’s Universe, Watermelon Steven, The Test, Winter Forecast, Marble Madness, Story for Steven, and Political Power
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