
>>> Martin is no more! There is now only micD!

That one guy formerly known as Meiscooldude.

Eating a steady diet of Government cheese, living in a van down by the river.

//here be dragons! (and balls!)

Known for leaving IRC abruptly
02:57 -!- martin, [email protected] has joined #wetfish
02:59 < martin> what is up ya'll
02:59 -!- martin, [email protected] has quit, Connection closed
03:04 < CUNT_BLASTER> hi martin
03:06 < rachel> :D
03:06 < rachel> oh
03:06 < rachel> bye martin :(
03:07 < Malamano> martin is kind of a dick
03:08 < cent> aw
03:13 < rachel> no he isn't

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