TIL that Javascript is a catgirl????

Also God I guess

13:08 < Pilum> Really? A discussion about threads in ##javascript? Heh.
13:08 < shachaf> Pilum: You're right, I should stop.
13:09 < carlocci> I have a jQuery carousel, but it doesn't work: what should I do?
13:09 < shachaf> Debug it.
13:09 < Pilum> carlocci: Fix it.
13:09 < r00723r0> carlocci: be less descriptive.

Floating-point math for all numbers is great.
typeof NaN;
Math.max(); Math.min();
var i = 9999999999999999; console.log(i);
0.1+0.2 == 0.3;

And automagic type conversion? also great.
[] + []; [] + {}; {} + [];
true == 1 ; true === 1;
(! + [] + {} + ![]).length;
9 + "1"; 91 - "1";
[] == 0;

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