Rothen's Pie Crust Recipe!

2 cups flour (whole wheat flour produces an odd color but makes for a very good crust)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup shortening (lard or butter should also be fine)
4-8 tbsp ice-water

Mix the dry ingredients, then add the shortening and toss with a fork until "half looks like small peas and half looks like cornmeal." Add 4tbsp COLD water and mix; I usually switch from the fork to kneading by hand during this process. Add just enough cold water that it'll stay together as a dough ball; I use 5.5-6tbsp but this depends on water temperature.

Press between your hands to make two 6-inch dough cakes, roll out with plenty of flour. Transfer to a pie tin, fill. Roll out top crust. I usually cut the top crust into bands and weave them, but you can use cookie cutters with the kids! Aim to have about 70% covered. Crimp edges as appropriate, spice/sugar/whatever on top depending on what kind of pie it is, bake as filling dictates, minimum 20-30 minutes.

Cracks or the like can be filled in with extra, just kinda knead the pieces together with your fingers! Don't stretch the bottom crust when you lay it in the pan or it'll be prone to shrinking.

<3 Tuesday

Tags: recipe | cooking | baking | food