"This Is What Our Ruling Class Has Decided Will Be Normal"

On Sunday, February 25, Aaron Bushnell, an active-duty member of the US Air Force set himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC.

"Today, I am planning to engage in an extreme act of protest against the genocide of the Palestinian people. The below links should take you to a livestream and recorded footage of the event, which will be highly disturbing. I ask that you make sure that the footage is preserved and reported on."

WARNING: This is the original video of this guy burning himself alive. If you don't want to see that, don't click on it.

NSFW content hidden.

(Click to show)

Let's not glamorize the decision to end one’s life, nor celebrate anything with such permanent repercussions. Rather than exalting Aaron as a martyr and encouraging others to emulate him, we honor his memory, but we exhort you to take a different path.

If your heart is broken by the horrors in Gaza and you are prepared to bear significant consequences to try to stop them, we urge you to do everything in your power to find comrades and make plans collectively. Lay the foundations for a full life of resistance to colonialism and all forms of oppression. Prepare to take risks as your conscience demands, but don’t hurry towards self-destruction. We desperately need you alive, at our side, for all that is to come.

See also:
Crimethinc article on Aaron Bushnell’s Action in Solidarity with Gaza

Tags: People | News | Politics | Anarchy | Military | War | Death | Genocide